Government Funding Information

At Whittington Preschool and Day Nursery we offer two options for funding. Please see below for more details

  • 15 hours (term time only): Universal entitlement of 15 hours per week over 38 weeks. No parent criteria nor application is required. Children become eligible the term after turning 2 years old. Parents who are not elligible for 30 hours can stretch their 15 hours per week across the whole year.

  • 30 hours (all year round): We offer a maximum of 22.5 hours per week stretched across 50 weeks of the year. Families who meet the earnings criteria could be eligible for an additional 15 hours of funded childcare. The extended hours start from the term after parents successfully apply to Childcare Choices or HMRC for an age-eligible child.

Important things to remember

  • You can only use a maximum of 10 hours per day

  • We only allow 30 hour funding to be stretched all year, not term time only

  • Term time places are only allocated to teaching staff

  • Funding does not begin until the term after a child’s birthday